Reading in school
Children are provided with a range of high quality and enjoyable reading experiences so that they become confident readers who can use books effectively for pleasure and information. Reading schemes are used to structure progress at home, while at school a range of cross curricular texts, and opportunities to read independently as well as with an adult, are used to help children develop fluency, expression and comprehension skills.
Reading Books
EYFS and Year 1 children are provided with a phonetically decodable reading book that closely matches their phonetic word acquisition. (See Phonics section on website for further details). As fluency increases, children are provided with a colour banded book appropriate for their reading ability. When ready, in KS2, children select books from their class reading corner, which have been specifically chosen to be age appropriate, by their class teacher. Some children remain supported by the SEND team, and may be given alternative books which better match their individual needs.
Reading for pleasure
All year groups ensure children have the regular experience of listening to a text read aloud to them to further develop their imagination and curiosity. High-quality, diverse texts and poetry are specifically chosen to expose children to new vocabulary, varied genres and further promote a love of reading.
It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading from an early age. Reading consists of two dimensions; language comprehension and word reading. Language comprehension continues to develop through adults talking to children about the world around them, alongside the books, songs, rhymes and poems enjoyed in class. Skilled word reading is taught later, involving both the speedy working out of unfamiliar words (decoding) and quick recognition of familiar words. Children benefit from regular 1:1 reading with an adult and whole class reading of books. See the Phonics section for further information.
Key Stage 1
Daily English lessons are planned to ensure the systematic teaching of reading and writing. To complement these, regular guided reading sessions ensure that throughout each week, children are able to apply and further develop their use of phonics along with key reading skills in order to read with fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment via a range of reading experiences. These include: shared reading in small groups with the class teacher; independent exploration of varied texts and written comprehension tasks when appropriate. Children enter Year 1 benefitting from regular 1:1 reading with an adult, and progress onto group reading in the second half of the autumn term.
Key Stage 2
Again, daily English lessons are planned to ensure the systematic teaching of reading and writing. Pupils are introduced to a variety of diverse fiction and non-fiction texts in lesson. To complement this, weekly guided reading sessions consist of modelled reading, shared reading, independent reading and written comprehension tasks and are conducted as a whole class.
Reading at home
Reading is more than simply decoding text. In order to make good progress, it is vital that children understand what they are reading and can discuss a variety of texts. Research has shown that in the primary years, family influences have a more powerful effect on children’s attainment and progress than school factors. The input of parents and carersin developing their children’s reading skills is therefore invaluable.
Research and Evidence
Reading is the single most important skill which will underpin a child’s education.
Reading impacts writing, spelling and vocabulary.
Children whose parents frequently read with them in their first year of school are still showing the benefit when they are 15.
Reading achievement is best where parents engage in activities that involve putting words into broader contexts (such as telling stories or singing songs), read to the child (in the early years and beyond), and listen to their child read on a regular basis.
Gains in pupil achievement stemming from parental engagement tend to be permanent.
Parents’ own level of education is not a deciding factor, what is important is that parents read with their children on a regular basis (several times a week) and talk about what they are reading.
Even fluent readers benefit from reading to an adult and being read to.
Long term skills associated with being a skilled reader are innumerable and include communication, empathy, resilience, shared thinking, self-confidence and coherence.
Aim to read for 10-15 minutes. Short and frequent sessions are far more beneficial than longer infrequent ones.
Find a relaxing comfortable place away from distractions.
Sit side by side so you can both see the page.
If it is a new book, talk about the book cover, blurb and why they have chosen it. If it is a book they are continuing, recap the story/key points.
If your child is reluctant or tired, read alternate pages for them.
Don’t labour over sounding out words and don’t correct every small slip.
If they get stuck on a word, pause and give them time to decode it; encourage them to sound out the word (but not on non phonetic words such as because); give the first or last sounds to help them; praise them for attempting the word even if it is incorrect.
Don’t let them struggle with a book that is too difficult, read it to them.
Vary your reading together: as well as school books, try newspapers, magazines, comics, recipes, games or instructions.
Don’t criticise if they keep choosing the same favourite book or series, it’s all part of learning to read.
Buy books as presents and visit the library. Charity shops can be a good source of cheaper books.