

The Gerrards Cross Church of England School has a distinctive Christian ethos which is at the centre of school life. We provide an inclusive, supportive and caring environment, shaped by Christian values in which children can learn and flourish. We invite applications for admissions without reference to the ability or aptitude of the child. We welcome children irrespective of whether they are of the Christian faith, another faith or no faith.

Tours for prospective parents are run regularly throughout the year. The tour will be led by Nicola Flower, the Headmistress, and parents will find out more about the school, see classes in action and have the opportunity to ask questions about the school and its provision. To arrange, please contact Miss Goddard in the school office on 01753 882731.

If you would like to apply to The Gerrards Cross Church of England School, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.

If you require any further information about admissions or wish to receive paper copies of the documents listed below, please contact the school office on 01753 882731.

Please note the catchment area for The Gerrards Cross Church of England School is the Ecclesiastical Parish of St James, Gerrards Cross with St James, Fulmer.  Discrepancies may exist between the Buckinghamshire Council website 'Find My School', or any other similar websites, and the school catchment map.   Please refer to the school catchment map, as cited in the respective Admission Arrangements, for the definitive school catchment area.  If you have any questions regarding the school catchment area please contact the school office for clarification. 

Admission Arrangements 1 September 2024 - 31 August 2025

Admission Arrangements 1 September 2025 – 31 August 2026

Admission Arrangements 1 September 2026 – 31 August 2027

Buckinghamshire Council school admissions page

Application Form

Supplementary Information Form

Catchment Area Map

School Admission Appeal Timetable

Information on the appeals received by the school is as follows:

Academic year Appeals recieved Appeals unsuccessful Appeals upheld
2023/24 0 0 0
2022/23 6 6 0
2021/22 1 0 1

Any person who considers that our admission arrangements are unlawful or not in compliance with the School Admissions Code 2021 may object to the Schools Adjudicator.

Information on how to make an objection can be from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator:





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