
Extreme weather closures

The Headteacher and Governors will always endeavour to open the school, but in severe weather conditions we will only do so if we are confident that enough staff will be able to get to school to ensure the safety of the children, and that children and staff will be safe in school. Where available, national and local guidance will be used to inform decisions about whether to open or close the school in extreme weather conditions.

Please avoid ringing the school as school closures will be announced in the following ways:

  • Any decision to close will be made as soon as possible by 7.30am if possible
  • An email will be sent to parents who have registered with ParentMail. A text may also be sent in the event of short notice.
  • Our website will be updated to inform parents about school closures or re-opening. If there is no announcement on the front page of the website, please assume that the school is open as usual.
  • A school closure will always be logged on the Buckinghamshire Council website:, in the past there have been several occasions when the Buckinghamshire page has crashed due to the number of schools trying to post simultaneously. Therefore, ParentMail and the school website are often more reliable sources of information regarding any changes to normal operation because of extreme weather.

During the first day of any snow closure, we expect that most children will want to enjoy the snow. Therefore, in the event that the school remains closed for more than one whole school day, work / activities will be set on Google Classroom from the second whole day of closure only. Children who wish to work on the first whole day should prioritise reading, the learning of spellings, and the completion of homework already set. If time remains for further work,  the Oak Academy schedule resources can be accessed from the following link:




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