
Early Years Foundation Stage

Our Early Years Foundation Stage classrooms are set in a generous space which provides indoor and outdoor learning environments.  Experienced staff teach, encourage and nurture our engaged and happy children. Our child-centred curriculum enables staff to encourage children’s individual interests. A wide range of resources and activities enables children to explore and learn about new aspects of the world around them.   Whilst benefiting from their own bespoke learning environment, our youngest pupils also enjoy joining older pupils for daily assemblies, playtimes and lunchtimes, ensuring that they very soon feel part of their new school.

Underpinned by the EYFS framework, alongside the Development Matters guidance, we consider the individual needs, interests, and stage of development of each child, using this information to plan a challenging, progressive, personalised and highly motivating curriculum for each child. Positive relationships underpin all that we do, with children learning to become strong and independent from the base of strong and caring relationships. There is also a strong emphasis on developing partnerships between EYFS staff and parents. Every child is regarded as unique and seen to be constantly learning, enabling them to become confident, capable and resilient learners. Our rich and enabling environment plays a key role in supporting and extending each individual child’s learning and development, alongside seven, interconnected and equally important areas of learning. Each area of learning is implemented through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult led and child-initiated activity. We strongly believe that children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is guided by adults. When planning such activities, we reflect upon how children learn, providing children with opportunities to continually develop and refine their skills, as identified in the Characteristics of Effective Learning, as well as opportunities to follow and build upon their individual interests.

Our children join the school with a wide range of early experiences. From their earliest days with us, one of our fundamental aims is to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their primary school years and beyond.  Our ‘Values for Living’ form our behaviour code, and help children to understand how to build happy friendships.   In their first year with us, we also seek to broaden the children’s cultural horizons so that they understand their local community well. We do this through visits to Saint James Church and a local farm; celebration of a range of festivals including Christmas, Diwali and Chinese New Year; and special visits such as those from our PCSOs, a vet and a dentist.

Our GXperience programme also begins in our EYFS classrooms. Its aim is to ensure that all of our children encounter learning as something which is engaging, enriching and inspiring, and which they do not want to miss. It is part of our strategy to ensure that we realise our vision to see 'Every Child Flourishing'. We hope that the positive approach to learning developed from their first year in primary school, will remain with our pupils throughout their years of education.

We are passionate in our ambition for all children to develop a love of reading and to develop secure and confident early reading skills. The teaching of phonics is prioritised each day, with regular assessments to ensure that all children remain on track. Children enjoy daily story times with staff reading carefully chosen books drawn from different cultures and genres. Children also enjoy spending time in reading areas in both the indoor and outdoor classrooms.

Parent Leaflet

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